Madelon Ponsen is an anthropologist of the bigger picture. From a young age she was interested in her intuitive capabilities, her close connection to nature and the big existential questions. In her twenties she was called by the wonderful plantmedicines psilocybin and later huachuma and ayahuasca. Specially psilocybin helped her through her own dark night of the soul. She build a relationship with these plantmedicine spirits that brought her deep beautiful insights into her own nature and healing.

After studying Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam she did an intensive course at Civas to become a Life Coach, followed by Shamanic Medicine at Shamanic Spirit Medicine and Plant Medicine Facilitator at Atira Tan. She also walked the path of Munay Ki and Nusta Karpay with energetic initiations of the ancient Inca's. She has a lot of experience in spaceholding and hosting beautiful plantmedicine ceremonies. She works with www.retreatguru.com. Madelon has a warm and positive energy and connects easily with others from her heartsoul essence.

She sees herself as a 'eigenwijze' remembrance coach. Eigenwijs in Dutch literally means your own wisdom with an aditional meaning of being a bit stuborn in following your own path. As a remembrance coach she helps people remember the knowledge, that is already in them, coming from their deeper multidimensional self. From a direct plantmedicine experience and their own inner knowing and selfhealing soul connection. So they can enhance their individual power, authenticity and their own wisdom.